Rosa Sire’s Exhibition (2006) Rosa Sire’s Exhibition (2006) Rosa Sire’s Exhibition (2006) admin2024-11-07T12:12:10+00:00
Radio Program “Opera from A to Z” Radio Program “Opera from A to Z” Radio Program “Opera from A to Z” admin2024-11-07T12:12:16+00:00
7th Internacional Contest of Lyrical Singing Germans Pla – Ciutat de Balaguer (2013) 7th Internacional Contest of Lyrical Singing Germans Pla – Ciutat de Balaguer (2013) 7th Internacional Contest of Lyrical Singing Germans Pla – Ciutat de Balaguer (2013) admin2024-11-07T12:12:21+00:00
3rd Internacional Contest of Lyrical Singing Germans Pla – Ciutat de Balaguer (2005) 3rd Internacional Contest of Lyrical Singing Germans Pla – Ciutat de Balaguer (2005) 3rd Internacional Contest of Lyrical Singing Germans Pla – Ciutat de Balaguer (2005) admin2024-11-07T12:12:26+00:00
Exhibition Di_uixant _alaguer Exhibition Di_uixant _alaguer Exhibition Di_uixant _alaguer admin2024-11-07T12:12:32+00:00