Organized by the Associació Cultural “Grup d’Art4” with the collaboration of Paeria de Balaguer.
1.- Date and Time
• Saturday, April 20, 2024 from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm.
2.- Participants
• All artists who wish to participate will be able to do it, as of 18 years old.
3.- Registration
• Free registration: Web www.grupdart4.com or calling 695 285 743 until April 18, 2024.
• The same day of the contest from 8:00 am to 9:00 am at Paeria de Balaguer, Mercadal Square 1.
4.- Theme
• Free of choice.
5.- Works
• Over any kind of support with a minimal size of 12 F(61x50cm).
• Only one work per contestant will be admitted.
6.- Technique.
• Any technique, procedure or artistic style.
7.- Seal.
• The organization will seal, before starting the contest, each of the canvases or supports from 8:00 am to 9:00 am in the lobby of Paeria de Balaguer, Mercadal Square 1.
• Grup d’Art4 Balaguer (Lleida) 637 900 020 (Montse Cots) Email: [email protected] Ordinary mail: Grup d’Art4 Casal Lapallavacara C/ Francesc Borràs 17-19 25600 Balaguer.
• Facebook: Pla Balaguer Twitter: @PlaGermans. Web: http://www.grupdart4.com
8- Jury
• Josep Giralt, Licensed in history of art.
• Victor Pedra, Painter and sculptor.
• Ramon Mayals, Illustrator.
9.- Delivery of the works
• The works will be delivered before 2:00 pm at Paeria de Balaguer, Mercadal Square 1, with some support or easel.
• Once the deliberation of the jury has ended the support or the easel can be taken.
10.- Delivery of the prizes.
• At 2:30 pm at Paeria de Balaguer.
• The jury reserves the right of declare some prize deserted.
11.- Prizes
• 1st Prize 700 euros and diploma courtesy of “Cudós Consultors”.
• 2nd Prize 500 euros and diploma courtesy of “Villart logístic”.
• 3rd Prize 300 euros and diploma courtesy of “Clinica dental Balaguer”.
12.- Winners
• The awarded artists in this contest give the property of the work and all rights to sponsors and these give in the diffusion of the images to the organizers.
13. Organization
• Associació Cultural Grup d’Art4 organizer of the contest, reserves the right of making modifications or taking unregulated initiatives to the present bases, as long as these contribute to the biggest success of the call.
• The participation in this contest supposes the full acceptance of these bases and the decision of the jury.
Grup d’Art4 Balaguer (Lleida) 637 900 020 (Montse Cots) Email: [email protected] Ordinary mail: Grup d’Art4 Casal Lapallavacara C/ Francesc Borràs 17- 19 25600 Balaguer
Facebook : Pla Balaguer Twitter : @PlaGermans. Web: http://www.grupdart4.com